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TMJ/TMD Therapy – St. Cloud, FL

Easing Jaw Joint
Pain & Discomfort


TMJ dysfunction, also known as temporomandibular joint dysfunction, is a more common condition than many people think. It can be caused by a variety of issues, including facial trauma that resulted in a jaw injury, misalignment, and bruxism. It occurs when the two joints that connect your jawbone to your skull don’t function properly, resulting in facial pain and difficulty chewing food. Dr. Brue-Vinokur and Dr. Brue offer individualized treatment to help you regain the full range of motions and functions of your jaw.

Why Choose Brue Family Dentistry for TMJ/TMD Therapy?

  • Customized TMJ
    Appliances to Realign
    the Jaw
  • Advanced BOTOX
    Injections for TMJ Pain
  • Caring, Locally
    Owned Practice

Diagnosis & Treatment

The first step of getting help for TMJ pain and discomfort is to get a diagnosis. Using our CT/cone beam scanner, we’ll capture detailed images of your facial structure, including your jawbone, joints, and tissues and nerves. This will help us diagnose the issue and determine what type of treatment best fits your needs. Many of our patients schedule an appointment with us once they experience some of the following symptoms:

  • Aching facial pain
  • Clicking and popping jaw joints
  • Difficulty chewing food
  • Grinding and clenching teeth

Occlusal Splints

An occlusal splint is a custom designed orthotic device that fits comfortably in your mouth as you sleep. It’s designed to realign your jaw to ease the pressure on your joints and prevent grinding and clenching from causing muscle strain. The primary function of the splint is to provide lasting relief from TMJ pain and reduce the uncomfortable symptoms that you experience from TMD.

BOTOX Injections

An alternative treatment for TMJ dysfunction that has shown promising results for a number of patients has been BOTOX injections. The injections target areas of the jaw and face where patients feel the most tension and discomfort. After a couple of weeks, the BOTOX injections will reduce jaw pain by allowing the overworked and tension filled joints to relax. This treatment is quick and pain-free, and it requires little to no recovery time!